Monday, August 13, 2007

Yaaron Dosti...badi hi hasiin hai!!!

They say, to know the value of something, loose it. If you want to know the value of food, fast for a know how much you miss someone, stay away from them. And if you have not know what FRIENDS are, stay away from them!

The dictionary defines friendship as "a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans" However I feel the word "FRIEND" is probably that word which has infinite definitions and an equally infinite range. (A friend can be someone imaginary as well)

When I started working, I had about 65 other employees working with me. However I gradually started spending time with only 2 of them...and since then its now more than 5 years and the friendship has grown over the period of time. We have changed companies, the company has changed offices...but the bond between has just increased with time. They say FRIEND is someone whom you can call at 4:00 AM, not speak a word and yet feel feel it is the best conversation you have ever had! Believe me...I have experienced it!

And it is not just being in touch that matters. Soundar, my friend (and I can already imagine what it means to him when I mention his name) met me during a paper presentation in Tamil Nadu, somewhere in 2002. Our friendship happened in those two days. After that we have met twice...but still there is bond that we share which has been strengthened with the passing time. It probably apt to state here that "We met by chance, became friends by choice, retaining the friendship was our decision and to be friends for lifetime is our promise."

From movies to cartoons to real life, friends have been a part everywhere. Be it Sholay's AB and Dharam paaji or Aamir, Akshaye and Saif in DCH or Calvin and Hobbes by Waterson or the six friends in the series FRIENDS...and even for that matter in our own lives, FRIENDS have always been fun (and I am excluding exceptions who have found the world upside down), they have helped in doing good things, joined us in playing pranks, been with us while doing wrong and stood by at times of crisis. Pradnya remembers her school days when she, with her group of friends used to eat in the classroom...and when caught, the group used to share the responsibility! Preety responsible group, haan? And this probably everyone would associate their group with...sticking a bubble gum on teacher's chair, having a ball of a time laughing till being caught and then being responsible as a group...Sticking one bubble gum was a team work...we made people believe that! "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked"

After saying all this, I was wondering how many friends do I have? Then I realised that there is a long list, a few of them I have not time you see! That has always been the excuse. Today I spend about 10 hours working and a few hours chatting, however I miss calling a buddy to say "Hey, howz you doin" and then when I see that name in my contacts list, I say, "Will call him sometime later"...well it never comes and eventually someday the friend calls on to check how things are going on..."A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart."

Last weekend, I had a rocking time with a group of was hectic and yet relaxing! It was so relaxing that I missed updating the blog this weekend. My sincere apologies to all my friends who were waiting to read this blog!

The coming release would be the 10th blog release and I would be writing on the blogging journey so far. Hence please keep posting me your views on my blog!

1 comment:

Tejaswini Shenoy said...

i am not really sure what makes one person ur close friend and another u tend to forget very easily. Some people u meet almost everyday ur life and u dont feel that kind of comfort level as u do with a person u had met a few weeks ago... One of my best friends, Purnima and I had known each other since we were kids... we resembled each other quite a bit (apparently) and people used to confuse one with the other. But even though we played together during GSB functions, we weren't al that close until a few years ago we started chatting on ym. As we got to know each other we found we had similar interests, we kind of thought alike and more often than not ended up saying the same thing at the same time. We can many a times know instinctively what the other has to say without the other saying a word... I mean we had known each other since childhood but I never counted her among my good friends. Now I pretty much talk to her whenever I am worked up about something or we can discuss something utterly absurd. We are as alike in some respects as different in others.

Basically all I wanna say is, in the end its not time that matters... Sometimes with some people you just click sometimes u just can't relate with some people. But those few people you consider among your close friends you cherish with all your heart and thats the way it should be.
